Eerste audiofile netwerk speler
Sean Adams, CEO en oprichter van Slim Devices, zegt desgevraagd over het component: “Met de Transporter hebben we ons ten doel gesteld een super apparaat neer te zetten door zowel ideeën van de audiofiele community als engineer specialisten te gebruiken bij het ontwerp en het opzetten van de Transporter. De Transporter gaat $ 1999,- kosten, waarbij u nu als bonus ook een Squeezebox meegeleverd krijgt (t.w.v. $ 249,-). Het apparaat wordt echter pas media september uitgeleverd. Audio Outputs and Inputs Audio Outputs (general) Digital and analog outputs Gold-plated RCA, XLR, and BNC connectors Volume control is provided for all outputs Multiple outputs may be used at the same time Analog Outputs AKM AK4396 Multi-bit delta-sigma digital to analog converter Signal-to-noise, Dynamic Range: 120dB THD+Noise: -106dB (0.00005%) Linear Super-Regulated supplies for DAC and line-out stages Balanced Analog Outputs Connectors: XLR gold-plated Level: 3Vrms (8.5Vpp) Impedance: 1k Ohm Attenuation: Fixed -0dB Unbalanced Analog Outputs Connectors: RCA gold-plated Level: 2Vrms (5.7Vpp) Impedance 100 Ohm (at -0dB) Attenuation: Selectable -0, -10, -20, -30dB Digital Outputs and Inputs Optical, coax, BNC, and XLR digital connectors Word clock input for synchronization with an external clock Linear-regulated power for all clock paths Dedicated high-precision crystal oscillators (no PLL, no resampling) Standard IEC-958 (S/PDIF) or AES/EBU encoding Optical connector: TOSLINK 660nm RCA connector: capacitor-coupled 500mVpp into 75 ohms BNC connector: transformer-coupled, 500mVpp into 75 ohms XLR connector: 4.7Vpp into 110 ohms Sample rates: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz Audio format: linear PCM, 16 or 24 bits per sample Jitter (standard deviation): 11ps at oscillator (intrinsic jitter) 17ps at DAC 35ps at S/PDIF receiver Audio Formats Lossless Formats (Apple Lossless, FLAC, WMA Lossless) “Bit-perfect” CD audio streaming, with reduced storage and bandwidth usage. Approximately 2:1 compression ratio Uncompressed formats (AIFF, WAV, PCM) Supports raw pass-through of uncompressed PCM audio formats Digital passthrough to S/PDIF for DTS Compressed formats (MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MusePack, WMA) MPEG decoding uses MAD software, widely regarded as the most accurate, most compatible MP3 decoder. High accuracy 24-bit synthesis Supports all MP3 data rates and sample rates, including VBR May be streamed in PCM (raw), MP3 (transcoded), or FLAC (transcoded) formats Sound Check and Replay Gain support for automatic volume control. Some formats may require additional software installation (e.g. Quicktime), depending on platform. Internet Radio “Always-on” Internet Radio, powered by SqueezeNetwork, lets you tune in to Internet Radio streams even when the home PC is switched off. Quick selection from hundreds of Internet Radio streams offered by Slim Devices’ partners. Internet Radio favorites can be saved in a playlist for easy access. Displays song title information during playback Support for MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and WMA formatted Internet Radio streams « Vorige nieuwsbericht 7e generatie schermen van Pioneer Volgende nieuwsbericht » Eindelijk beschikbaar: Rega Saturn Tags: Apple , muziek , cd , design , internet Reacties Er zijn nog geen reacties… Reageer op het nieuwsbericht Reageren Naam: Inloggen Bestaande gebruikers kunnen hier inloggen .