Meridian Explorer2


Engels | E-book | 9781101075852 | 496 pagina’s



This product is MQA-ready.
Allowing you to experience the full, intricate detail of a live performance for the first time in the history of recorded music. Find out more Hear More and Feel More
Meridian’s new Explorer² is the successor to the popular and widely acclaimed Explorer pocket USB DAC. Featuring a dramatically increased complement of DSP, Explorer² is able to incorporate the full suite of Meridian’s audio enhancement technologies to provide a more realistic, natural sound than ever before. The Meridian Experience in your hand
Explorer² replaces a computer’s audio outputs with a USB-powered DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) featuring over 30 years of Meridian’s digital expertise in high-quality audio circuitry. Explorer² includes digital clocking derived from Meridian’s award-winning Reference Series components, for precise timing of digital signals. Meridian has paid as much attention to the analogue circuitry as the digital. Explorer² features a pure analog volume control with a powerful headphone amplifier and a line output. This provides sophisticated volume control with an extended range of 100dB – ideal for sensitive headphones. Whatever you listen to, Explorer² makes it sound its best.